Materials Test/Analysis • Failure Investigation • Load Deflection Analysis • Failure Analysis • Materials Characterization • Materials Performance Assessment • Research + Product Development • Emulating ANSI, ASTM Test • Service Life Prediction and Modeling • Specialized Testing
Concrete Testing Compressive Strength The Pinnacle of Floor Testing Rebound Hammer or Schmidt Hammer (ASTM C805) Penetration Resistance Test (ASTM C803) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (ASTM C597) Pullout Test (ASTM C900) Drilled Core (ASTM C42) Cast-in-place Cylinders (ASTM C873) Wireless Maturity Sensors (ASTM C1074)
Crawl Space & Proper Conditions * Crawl space should be a minimum of 18” (457mm) from ground to underside of joists. * Building codes state that the space between the bottom of the floor joists and the earth that is not a basement needs outside ventilation. There should be vents on all crawl space walls. They should provide a minimum of 1.5 square foot of vent area for every 150 square feet of crawl space area. If the V/B is installed then the formula is 1.0 square feet per 1,500 square feet. * Minimum of 6 mil black vapor barrier overlap 8" and up 6" on stem walls and properly sealed & or taped, with no exposure to the earths/or grade. Local Building codes does take precedence. * Walls that accept or gain moisture proper protection is also required. * Duck work are required to be sealed with required tape and or sealant. * Homes Proper Ventilation should also have proper return air flow within the the conditioned home with a 1 square foot of split ventilation from either ridge vent and or soffit areas per 150 square feet of Living space.
Tuscan System Passes this test. Item # 1428 Model: TLS-KIT-DIY Passes standard industrial (TCMA Robinson) compression test Not all systems pass or hold as they appear.
2 Examples of two different products, do you use the same mixer. Higher rpm will incorporate to much air and will have air pockets that can impact the technology behind the materials, Move up and down Can also cause problems. Versa Bond :Mixing Procedures Mix by hand or use a low 150-200 RPM speed 1/2" (13 mm) drill to achieve a smooth, paste-like consistency. Let the mixture slake or stand 5-10 minutes; stir again and use. Stir occasionally, but do not add more water. When properly mixed, troweled ridges will stand without slump. Slowly add Novoplan Easy Plus powder into the pre-measured water. Use a high-speed drill and an oval paddle mixer to mix Novoplan Easy Plus to a homogenous, lump-free consistency. Continue to mix for 2 to 3 minutes. Do not overmix. Overmixing or moving the mixer up and down during the mixing process could trap air or cause pinholing during the application and curing process.
Flooring adapting to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation requires time to acclimate properly acclimated to a new environment. With a long list of who? is responsible. The following are the golden rules. * Builder is responsible to ensure moisture control policies have been put in place and implemented to protect all building components, including, but not limited to, all flooring materials & especially wood flooring. * Installer is responsible to record current jobsite conditions at the time of mobilization installation and to confirm that flooring and its sundries meet flooring manufacturer’s requirements. * End User responsible to keep the environment within those proper manufactures conditions, in the event you are acting as a G/C or in any capacity like a P/M or a DYI then you fall directly in the "Builder" category.
220 x 160 IR Resolution HTI Thermal Imager, Handheld 35200 Pixels Thermal Imaging Camera with 3.2" Color Display Screen. We can see behind, walls, floors and foundations
Class 1 premium measuring tape. Ultra hard end hook ensures consistently accurate inside and outside measurements. accuracy of +/- : Class I rated tapes are the most accurate and an error of no more than ±1.1mm over a 10m length can be anticipated Class 2 measuring tape accuracy of Class II tape allows for a potential error of ±2.3mm over a 10m length
The Myth/Facts of this term is widely used improperly. Fact Check: * 1" Slab Hydrate (Dries) at a estimated rate of 30 Days * 4" Slab will require (4 Months or 120 days) * 5" Slab will require (5 Months or 150 days) * 6" Slab will require ( 6 Months or 180 days) Caveat to above information starts when the "Conditions" start of the clock on the jobsite are when proper moderate condition's are achieved prior to any Flooring Installation Schedule set forth.
Temperatures & LVT/SPC Flooring expands & contracts. Understanding PH on the surface and its "Health Records" aka pre existing conditions of Hydrostatic pressure, High pH, Curing Compounds, Osmotic Blistering, or Alkali Silica reaction, old adhesive, plasticizer migration ALL may affect these products If you do not do your due diligence on a full and complete/comprehensive review and testing, your "Slab/Substrate" will be visiting the claims doctor for a detailed and complete examination
The U-Factor measures how well the window in- sulates. While the U-Factor can take any value, in general for windows it ranges from 0.20 to 1.20. The lower the U-Factor, the better the window insulates. The SHGC measures how much of the sun's heat comes through the window.
Adhesive Chemistry, Physical and Chemical Properties. Manufacture : Series 2027 P/S properties. Form: medium viscosity liquid Odor: mild Odor threshold: no data Color: off white to cream pH value: 8.5 – 9.0 Melting point: not applicable Boiling point: similar to water Flash point: not applicable Flammability: none flammable Lower Explosion Limit: low Upper Explosion Limit: low Vapor Pressure: low Density: 7.95 – 8.45 lbs. per gallon Relative density: 0.95– 1.01 grams / cm3 Vapor density: low Partition Coefficient n-octanol /water (log Pow): no data Self- ignition temperature: not applicable Viscosity, dynamic: 50,500 – 62,500 cps Solubility in water: limited Miscibility in water: miscible Evaporation rate: same as water
Ammonia is moderately basic; a 1.0 M aqueous solution has a pH of 11.6, and if a strong acid is added to such a solution until the solution is neutral (pH = 7), 99.4% of the ammonia molecules are protonated. Vinegar is acidic. Vinegar's pH level varies based upon the type of vinegar it is. White distilled vinegar, the kind best suited for household cleaning, typically has a pH of around 2.5. Vinegar, which means “sour wine” in French, can be made from anything containing sugar, such as fruit. The Pine-Sol brand was acquired by Clorox from American Cyanamid's Shulton Group in 1990. The 2005 version of the original 8% to 10% pine oil based cleaner was acidic (pH 3–4) and could be used to remove bacteria from household surfaces. However, some of the products now contain bases (pH 10–11) Commercial facilities A high alkaline, low foam liquid, Caustic Cleaner FP is designed to remove or clean soil from food processing and packaging equipment and the surrounding work areas, however not at all good news for any floor covering ! Most surfactants used in carpet cleaning detergents are positively charged (anionic) or have no charge (nonionic). Negatively charged surfactants (cationic) are not allowed to be used in carpet cleaning detergents because they destroy the stain retardant or stain blocker in most nylon carpet such as Stainmaster®.
What is a crack-isolation membrane? The name crack-isolation membranes are designed to isolate what is above the membranes, tile and grout from what is below them (the substrate). Typically, manufacturers of crack-isolation membranes will state that the membranes comply with ANSI standard A118.12. This standard requires the membrane to isolate the tile from cracks of 1/16" (1.5 mm) for standard performance and 1/8" (3 mm) for high performance. Crack-isolation membranes can protect tile, stone and grout from either new cracks that form in the substrate or existing cracks that get larger — as long as the crack does not exceed the width of the stated performance of the product. Please note this does not in anyway omit EJ-171 requirements.
X-Ray Diffraction Ion Chromatography Infrared Spectroscopy Thin Section Petrography Consultation Expert Support for the top 1/4" of your slab. Minimum Core of 2 1/2" x 3" Required.
PH is really a measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. ... Water with a pH of five is ten times more acidic than water having a pH of six. As this diagram shows, pH ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. pHs less than 7 are acidic while pHs greater than 7 are alkaline (basic).
An enclosed space within a building where there is intentional control of the space thermal conditions within defined limits using natural, electrical, or mechanical means. Conditioned space is an area or room within the building that is intentionally heated or cooled, and humidified or dehumidified, to be maintained at the same expected conditions as the living/interior space either for the comfort of occupants, or for preserving temperature and humidity sensitive goods.
The U-Factor measures how well the window in- sulates. While the U-Factor can take any value, in general for windows it ranges from 0.20 to 1.20. The lower the U-Factor, the better the window insulates. The SHGC measures how much of the sun's heat comes through the window. Thermal Dimension Changes in LVP/LVT/SPC are a real problem. Protecting the windows with window treatments & blinds during strong daylight sun is crucial.
Tuscan System Passes this test. Passes standard industrial (TCMA Robinson) compression test Not all systems pass or hold as they appear.
2 Examples of two different products, do you use the same mixer. Higher rpm will incorporate to much air and will have air pockets that can impact the technology behind the materials, to low of mixing on self levelers will not get the reactive agent to mix as required, this process will have lumps, chunks, and may lead to improper adhesion and PSI ratings. Versa Bond Ceramic Mortar: Versa Bond :Mixing Procedures Mix by hand or use a low 150-200 RPM speed 1/2" (13 mm) drill to achieve a smooth, paste-like consistency. Let the mixture slake or stand 5-10 minutes; stir again and use. Stir occasionally, but do not add more water. When properly mixed, troweled ridges will stand without slump. Nova Plan Self -Leveling Underlayment: Slowly add Novoplan Easy Plus powder into the pre-measured water. Use a high-speed 350-550 rpm drill Slowly add Novoplan Easy Plus powder into the pre-measured water. Use a high-speed drill and an oval paddle mixer to mix Novoplan Easy Plus to a homogenous, lump-free consistency. Continue to mix for 2 to 3 minutes. Do not overmix. Overmixing or moving the mixer up and down during the mixing process could trap air or cause pinholing during the application and curing process.
Flooring adapting to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation requires proper time to acclimate properly to a new environment. With the new tighter, and more energy efficient homes.
220 x 160 IR Resolution HTI Thermal Imager, Handheld 35200 Pixels Thermal Imaging Camera with 3.2" Color Display Screen. We can see behind, walls, floors and foundations
Class 1 premium measuring tape. Ultra hard end hook ensures consistently accurate inside and outside measurements. accuracy of +/- : Class I rated tapes are the most accurate and an error of no more than ±1.1mm over a 10m length can be anticipated Class 2 measuring tape accuracy of Class II tape allows for a potential error of ±2.3mm over a 10m length
The Myth and Facts of this old school term is widely used improperly. Fact Check: * 1" Slab Dries at a estimated rate of 30 Days * 4" Slab will require (4 Months or 120 days) * 5" Slab will require (5 Months or 150 days) * 6" Slab will require ( 6 Months or 180 days) Caveat to above information starts when the "Conditions" start of the clock on the jobsite are when proper moderate condition's are achieved prior to any Flooring Installation Schedule set forth.
Temperatures/RH Vs LVT/SPC Flooring Effects. Understanding PH on the surface and its "Health Records" aka pre existing conditions of Hydrostatic pressure, High PH, Curing Compounds, Osmotic Blistering, or Alkali Silica reaction. If you do not do your due diligence on a full and complete/comprehensive review and testing, your "Slab/Substrate" will be visiting the claims doctor for a detailed and complete examination